The vaping trap: the false belief of relaxation
Between school, friends, love affairs, parents, physical changes, emotions on the upswing... Adolescence is no picnic, and the pressure is on a daily basis. It's no wonder that many young people see vape as a way to calm down, an easy-to-access stress reliever. But did you know that instead of calming anxiety, vaping can actually make it worse? We explain why.
To remember
👉 Vaping, far from calming anxiety, can make it worse because of the addictive nicotine and a vicious circle.
👉 Vaping can have a negative impact on your performance at school, your relationships and your general well-being.
Nicotine: the false friend of well-being
The main problem with vaping is nicotine, and the fact that 90% of vapers use liquids containing it. This highly addictive substance wreaks havoc on your brain, especially as it's still developing until you're 25. The result? An increased risk of developing anxiety disorders and even depression.
So, if you think vape relaxes you, it actually has exactly the opposite effect, because nicotine is a stimulant. In the short and long term, it even disrupts brain balance and development.
Trapped in a vicious circle
Imagine: you're stressing about an exam, so you vapotage to calm yourself down. You have the impression that nicotine gives you pleasure and an immediate feeling of relief... But it's a trap: the feeling of relief you feel is unfortunately short-lived. It quickly gives way to craving, leading your brain to believe that the only way to feel that relief again is... to vapot.
This is how addiction works: the more you vapot, the more your body craves nicotine, and the more anxiety is likely to set in and take over.
An impact on your performance and morale
Unfortunately, that's not all. Nicotine addiction can mean difficulty concentrating at school and memorizing your lessons, mood swings, disturbed sleep and difficulty managing your emotions (and emotions aren't always easy to manage in the first place!).
Smoking can have a serious impact on your school results, your relationships with others and your general well-being.
You can take back control
If you're feeling concerned, know that you're not alone, so don't hesitate to talk about it with those around you. Your friends, family, school nurses and we at Tel-jeunes are here to listen without judgment and to support you.
There are also resources that can help you stop vaping, such as the Libair application, which offers personalized, caring support, or the EPAV Media website, which helps you understand the harmful effects of vaping.
Never forget: asking for help is courageous and the first step towards a healthier life, free of addiction and the anxiety that goes with it!