Terms of use and privacy policy

Please review the following conditions before navigating Tel-jeunes’ websites.

Privacy policy and terms of use

By navigating the teljeunes.com website and its subdomains, and by using Tel-Jeunes’s various services, you agree to the terms of use and privacy policy. We recommend you carefully read our privacy policy and terms of use detailed below. If you do not agree to them, we advise against using our services and suggest seeking alternate resources. Please consult our resource page


Respect for your privacy


Tel-jeunes is committed to respecting and protecting the privacy of its users, employees, beneficiaries, donors, and other stakeholders. We recognize the importance of transparency regarding the collection, protection, and retention of your personal data shared with us.


This policy outlines how we collect, use, and share your personal information when you visit our websites and services, as well as your personal rights in this regard.


N.B.: This policy does not apply to third-party websites, including those that may be accessible through links on our websites. If you consult a third-party website, it will have its own policies which we encourage you to review before offering any personal information.


Inappropriate use of Tel-jeunes services


Tel-jeunes will not tolerate—and may report to the appropriate authorities—any behaviours that disrupt or misuse its services:


  • Engaging in actions that threaten, harass, or treat Tel-jeunes counsellors and employees inappropriately under any circumstance.


If these cases should arise, Tel-jeunes reserves the right to take measures to immediately shut down the situation, including the possibility of terminating your access to its services if you do not comply with these terms. For instance, we might determine that you would be better served by a different type of support or require services that we cannot reasonably provide.


What is “personal information”?


“Personal information” refers to any details that directly (or indirectly) identifies them. This includes name, age, city, email address, phone number, date of birth, and financial information like banking institution and credit card details.


Professional details including title, email address, work address, and phone number are considered public personal information.


How do we obtain your consent?


We seek user consent every time you engage with one of Tel-jeunes’s services or take part in one of our workshops of trainings.


By phone: If you accept the terms of use, no further action is required. If you do not accept, simply hang up.


By chat: A pop-up will ask for your consent and provide a link to the terms of use and privacy policy. If you do not consent, you will not be able to start a chat session.


By SMS: You consent to the terms of use by responding with “1.” If you respond with anything other than “1” or fail to respond, we will consider that you do not agree with our policy, and you will not be placed in the queue to speak with a counsellor or Ado Tj.


On the forum: We request your consent when creating your account if you are 14 years old or older.


If you are 13 years old or younger, we require parental or guardian consent via email. This person will have 30 days to provide their consent, after which your account will be deactivated if we do not receive a response.


In general, we collect, use, and share your personal information only with your consent. However, in some cases, the law allows us to collect, use, or share your personal information without your consent (e.g., when required by subpoena or court order).


By communicating with us, using Tel-jeunes’ services, and navigating our websites, you consent to the collection, use, and sharing of your personal information in accordance with this policy. If you provide us with personal information about a third party, you declare that you have the necessary consent or authority to allow us to collect, use, and share this information in accordance with this policy.


Subject to certain legal or contractual restrictions, you may withdraw your consent at any time by contacting us as indicated in the “Contact Us” page of our website.


How do we collect your personal information?


Tel-jeunes services are provided through an information system that automatically collects personal information such as IP address and phone number. We also record personal information you provide, such as age, region, and gender.


We collect your personal information directly from you with your consent when you interact with us or complete a form on our websites. This applies to intervention and exchange services, newsletter subscriptions, workshop registrations, personal and corporate donations made through our websites, and any other forms you complete on our sites.


For donations through external donation platforms or our websites, we receive your personal information, such as credit information, address, name, phone number, and email address. This information is collected to process the payment and send you a tax receipt. A copy of this information, excluding your banking details, is retained for compliance with various tax laws.


What personal information do we collect and why?


Supported by the Tel-jeunes Foundation, Tel-jeunes offers a range of services including professional help (via phone, text, and chat), peer support (via chat), school workshops, a support forum, and various thematic content on its website. Here is a summary of the personal information we collect and the purposes for which it is used, depending on the services:


Tel-jeunes website


  • For those making donations to the Tel-jeunes Foundation

    • When you make a donation, we collect the following personal information: name, email address, phone number, and billing address. This information is retained for five years for tax purposes only.

  • For recruitment

    • When you send recruitment-related information such as your name, email address, home address, and phone number (found in your resume and/or cover letter), your personal information is kept securely during the hiring process. Your resume will be anonymized to ensure a fair and unbiased review based on your skills.


Professional help via chat


  • Tel-jeunes: To start a chat session, you will be asked to provide your age, gender, and region.

  • Tel-jeunes for parents: To start a chat session, you will be asked to provide your teen’s age, gender, your region, and your relationship to them.

  • After a chat session, the counsellor will complete a survey about the intervention, including these details, the subject of the request, and a brief description of the intervention.

  • Your IP address and connection port are transmitted to our system and will be automatically saved with the exchange.

  • A conversation transcript is automatically saved by the system. These documents are used to supervise our counsellors’ work, provide training, and evaluate our services.

    • o   Only authorized personnel (e.g., clinical coaches, team leaders, client experience advisors) have access, and their use is strictly limited to the purposes outlined in the “How is your personal information used?” section. These documents are destroyed after five years.

  • Please note that all conversations and data for individuals aged 13 and under will not be stored in our system, except for conversations where an emergency call has been made.


Professional help via text message


  • When you text Tel-jeunes, the counsellor will first ask for your age, gender, and region.

  • The phone number used to contact us will also be visible during the intervention and saved with your conversation.

  • After a text conversation, the counsellor will complete a survey about the intervention, including these details, the subject of the request, and a brief description of the intervention.

  • A transcript of the conversation is automatically saved by the system.

    • Only authorized personnel (e.g., clinical coaches, team leaders, client experience advisors) have access, and their use is strictly limited to the purposes outlined in the “How is your personal information used?” section. These documents are destroyed after five years.

  • Please note that all conversations and data for individuals aged 13 and under will not be stored in our system, except for conversations where an emergency call has been made.


Professional help by phone


  • Tel-jeunes:

    • When you call the professional help service, the counsellor will ask for your age, gender, and region.

  • Tel-jeunes for parents:

    • When you contact our professional help service, the counsellor will ask for your teen’s age, gender, and the subject of the discussion.

  • After the call, the counsellor will complete a survey about the intervention, including this information, the subject of the request, and a brief description of the intervention.

  • The phone number used to contact us will be displayed and saved.

  • Currently, calls are not automatically recorded by our system. However, Tel-Jeunes reserves the right to record phone conversations for training or evaluation purposes.

    • These documents help us supervise our counsellors, provide training, and evaluate our services. Only authorized personnel (e.g., clinical coach, team leader, client experience advisor, etc.) can access them, and their use is strictly limited to the purposes outlined in the “How is your personal information used?” section. These documents are destroyed after five years.

  • Please note that all conversations and data from users aged 13 and under will not be retained in our system, except for conversation, except for conversations involving emergency calls.


Chat with an Ados Tj


  • To start a chat session with an Ados Tj, you will be asked for your age, gender, and region.

  • After the session, the Ados Tj will complete a survey including this information and the subject of the request.

  • The conversation transcript will be automatically saved by the computer system.

    • These documents help us supervise Ados Tjs, provide training, and evaluate our services. Only authorized personnel (e.g., clinical coach, team leader, client experience advisor, etc.) can access them, and their use is strictly limited to the purposes outlined in the “How is your personal information used?” section. These documents are destroyed after five years.

  • Please note that all conversations and data from users aged 13 and under will not be retained in our system, except for conversation, except for conversations involving emergency calls.


Tj Forum


  • Creating a Forum account requires providing personal information including your birth month and year, your IP address, and your email address.

    • Tel-jeunes is committed to ensuring the security and confidentiality of this information, which will be kept as long as the account is active.

    • Only those responsible for the Forum have access to it.

    • After 20 years, your account will be deactivated, and you will no longer have access to it. However, you can always contact the forum administrators to request the deletion of your account. The personal information collected will be anonymized, but we will retain your posts and responses to help other young people on the forum.

  • If you are 13 years old or younger, we will also ask for permission from one of your parents or legal guardians to create an account for you. If we do not receive a response within 30 days after sending the authorization email, your information and the email address you provided to reach your parent or legal guardian will be deleted from all our systems.


School workshops 

  • During in-class workshops, a facilitator asks participants for their age, gender, region, grade level (secondary 1 to 5), group number, and your questions. This information is accessible to the facilitators, the session team leader, and the administrative assistant who manages the reservation email inbox.


What do we use your personal information for?


In general, we use your personal information for the following purposes:


  • To best respond to your request/need

  • To ensure the proper functioning of our services

  • To evaluate and improve the quality of our services

  • To provide training to our intervention team

  • To comply with our legal, fiscal, and regulatory obligations

  • To send you donation solicitation emails

  • To send newsletters or inform you of new services offered

  • To recruit staff

  • To produce statistics and annual reports

  • Non-nominative statistics may be used to respond to interview requests in traditional media. Example: how many young people contact you per year? How many young people contact you about heartbreaks?

  • Exceptionally, when we have reason to believe that a person's life or development is in immediate danger, it is possible that your personal information may be used to send you help (we cannot guarantee that sending help will work).


N.B.: We ensure that all data used for evaluation purposes no longer contains information such as names, first names, regions, cities, email addresses, locations, etc.


How long do we store your personal information?


We keep your personal information only for the time necessary for the purposes set out in the policy and to comply with our legal and regulatory obligations. After this period, your personal information will be automatically destroyed securely or anonymized.


  • Intervention and exchange services: Five years after the exchange or intervention. Conversations, data, and information related to contacts will be automatically deleted after this period.

  • Donors: Information relating to individuals who have made personal donations is kept for two years, and information necessary for tax purposes is processed according to Quebec laws in force.

  • Employees after employment: Information relating to the employee will be permanently deleted after 10 years. Physical files are shredded via an external firm with whom we have a confidentiality agreement. Information relating to the employee is archived on platforms used by the entire company and remains accessible only to human resources employees. All this data is stored in files protected by limited access and two-factor authentication.

  • Communication: When you sign up for our mailing lists, we keep your email for a period of two years and in accordance with the anti-spam law, we unsubscribe you after two years and/or if you notify us that you want to be unsubscribed from our mailing lists.


How do we protect the confidentiality of your personal information?


The personal information we collect is kept confidential in accordance with applicable legislation. If you choose to send us personal information by email or through a form available on our websites, we will only use the information required to respond to your message and to follow up, ensuring we preserve confidentiality.


We also take reasonable organizational, technical, and physical security measures to protect your personal information against loss, theft, unauthorized access, use, and disclosure. For example, we restrict access to our offices (confidential address) and our computer equipment, in addition to educating our staff about the security and confidentiality of personal information to which they have access. For applicable applications, we use two-factor authentication. We have also set up alerts to inform us of possible attacks on our systems and digital infrastructures. We also validate that our business partners have solid personal information and data protection systems in place and that these are maintained regularly and in accordance with current standards.


Is your personal information communicated outside of Quebec?


The personal information from intervention and exchange services for young people and parents that we collect is hosted on secure servers in Quebec. All the technology providers we do business with for these services are in Quebec, so your data never leaves the province.


As for the databases and tools used by the Tel-jeunes Foundation, the database is located outside Quebec, but the company assures us that it complies with Quebec requirements for personal information protection. Additionally, when your personal information is communicated outside Quebec, we carry out a privacy factor assessment and we put in place contractual commitments to protect the confidentiality of this information.


Transmission of personal data to third parties


Your personal information is only accessible to our employees and agents whose functions require it. We may also share your personal information with third parties when required by law, or with service providers (for example, our cloud hosting service providers). In the latter case, we take the necessary measures to adequately protect your personal information by adopting specific contractual measures and limiting the sharing of your personal information.


For all intervention services (Tj and TjP), exchange services (Ado Tj), and Tj Forum:


Under no circumstances will your information be made public or sold, nor communicated to third parties without your prior consent. However, Tel-jeunes may be required to transmit your personal information as well as transcripts, in whole or in part of your exchanges, when required by law. For example: testimony in court, interrogation, warrant targeting one or more exchanges, subpoena, request for civil investigation or other similar procedure following an order from a competent court, or to comply with applicable conditions imposed by a government agency or other regulatory authority, or other legal obligations. We will only provide information that is relevant or targeted by the request to preserve your privacy. Please note that these are exceptional measures and therefore most of our conversations are not affected by this clause.


Do we collect information through “cookies”?


When you browse our websites, we collect certain information through cookies and other tracking technologies (referred to as “cookies”).


Cookies are small text files containing a unique identification number that are automatically placed on a visitor's computer. Session cookies track information during an open session and are only temporarily stored in your computer’s memory. Persistent cookies are placed on a visitor’s computer until they expire or the visitor deletes them.


The cookies we use do not collect information that personally identifies you, but rather general information that we do not combine with your personal information.


We use essential and functional cookies to allow you to navigate our websites, use its features and customize your browsing according to your preferences (for example, according to your language preference). You may or may not consent to the activation of some of these functional cookies when you connect to our sites. However, if you refuse these cookies, it is possible that your navigation will be affected.


We also use Google Analytics to collect information about your use of our websites (for example, the pages you consult most often, and the error messages you might receive). This information is anonymous, and we use it only to improve the effectiveness and functioning of our websites. You may or may not consent to the activation of these cookies when you connect to our sites.


If you would like more information about cookies, we invite you to visit the All about cookies website or contact us as indicated in the “How to contact us” section.


How to contact us


If you have any questions, would like to file a complaint, or have concerns regarding our privacy policy, please send us an email using our contact form.


For the Tj Forum, write to us via the Aide et suggestions page.


For more information about the protection of personal information, please visit the Office of the privacy commissioner of Canada website.


To access your personal information or for any questions regarding the protection of your privacy, please contact the person responsible for the protection of personal information:


Céline Muloin, President and CEO


[email protected]


How do we update our policy?


Our policy may be updated from time to time to reflect legislative or operational changes within our organization. Although update notices may be used, the posting of the revised policy will be deemed to constitute sufficient notice. Continuing to use our websites constitutes your acceptance of this policy and any updates.


The policy was last updated on February 20, 2024.