In a nother world
elle/il·16 ans
So I have this problem that when I get anxious, my finger will start taping in a surface and that when it stops brutally, that means I zoned out. I'm in a nother world and they only way to get me back on earth is to put pressure on my hand or shoulder. And it takes me about half an hour to come back to reality.
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1hPourquoi ?Il y a des primaires dans mon autobus et il font des bruits bizarres en mode (houya babe) genre d’où sa sort au primaire je faisais pas sa et je connaissais même pas sa alors D’OÙ SA SORT
Ado TJ·il/lui
3hJournée internationale des hommesAllooo tout le monde!!! Demain, le 19 novembre, c'est une journée assez importante pour l'ensemble des hommes à travers le monde, puisque c'est la journée internationale des hommes! Cette journée, qui est assez discrète, a pour but de glorifier les bons aspects de l'homme et de sensibiliser la société face au divers aspects de la santé mentale et physique de ceux-ci. Pour ma part, Kobe Bryant était une personne qui as été très inspirante pour moi au cours de ma vie. Et vous, qui sont les hommes qui vous ont inspiré dans votre vie ou qui vous inspire au quotidien ?
10hSéparationJe suis une fille de 15 ans qui est enfant unique. Mes parents ont toujours été très proches l’un de l’autre, tellement que je n’aurais jamais cru qu’ils pourraient se séparer un jour. On était en quelques sortes comme une famille parfaite et même si des fois ils avaient des chicanes ils se réconciliaient toujours. Puis y a pas longtemps ils ont eut une chicane et je pense que c’était la goutte de trop, ma mère m’a dit qu’elle allait divorcer avec mon père et je sais pas vraiment comment je me sens. Je suis loin de savoir comment la vie est avec des parents séparés donc je voulais savoir si c’était si dur que ça?
-d’une fille un peu apeurée
elle/elle·18 ans
23hest ce que mes parents abusebien le bonjour, jaimerais savoir, tout dabord jaimerais preciser que jai bientot 19 ans. bref, est ce normal que mes parents continue de me priver de telephone, alors que je fait rien de mal et en plus de me priver ils fouille dedans. par exemple ils vont regarder mes messages, tout mes messages. ils changent les mdp de mes reseaux sociaux.. berf. aussi je travail 40h semaines, et mes parents voulais que je leur donne un montant de loyer qui est de 500$ par mois. mais mtn mes parents samuse a prendre tout mes payes et trouve ca juste et normal que jai plus rien de paye.. bref merci de maider et bonne soiree
Ado TJ·elle/elle·18 ans
Hi @CasouletÉpanoui2 ,
Hope you are feeling better.
I know this must be really hard for you to handle. The zone out thing is a hard challenge for everyone that lives it.
I would like to say that I am super proud of you for coming here to talk about it. Know that you aren't alone through that and it's possible to learn to control it.
Do you think it would be a great idea if you try to talk to someone for this? I'm pretty sure you could get some help or tips from friends who understand that too.
If I was you, I would try to always have something in my hands.
Hope this helps! We're here if you need anything ;)
Ado TJ·elle/elle·19 ans
Hey @CasouletÉpanoui2 :)
I hope that you are doing well.
I understand where you are coming from and I see why you would be slightly worried that you zone for half-hour periods of time when you get anxious.
Tapping with the fingers, and lightly tapping the foot on the ground are signs that someone is feeling anxious and the fact that you are able to recognize what you are feeling is already a big step in the right direction :)
From what I understand, what you describe here seems to be a recurring thing, whereas you zone out frequently enough for you to think that it may be a problem.
I see that you have a quick response meaning that when you feel anxious, you start tapping with your finger for some time. Although tapping with your finger may seem like a solution in the short term, I'd like to suggest you to try to approach the zoning-out time from a different perspective. For example, have you thought about seeking professional help? If the anxiety you feel becomes overwhelming or persistent, it may be a good idea to talk to someone about it. Sometimes, it can happen that we bottle up so many feelings inside without talking about them. They later can feel like a heavy weight on our shoulders, potentially causing anxiety or bringing other consequences.
If coming back to reality requires you to put some pressure on your hand or shoulder, then you could continue this gesture since it seems to help you. Since the gesture does not seem to cause you harm, from what I read, I think the best would be to look more closely into what's in your thoughts, and your mind, when such zoning-out times happen. Again, I must say that a professional could give you a big hand in help. They can help assess your situation, provide a proper diagnosis if it's applicable, and suggest appropriate coping strategies. It's worth a try!
It is not uncommon for anyone to experience zoning out or daydreaming, especially during moments of stress or anxiety. It kind of is like a natural response to stress. Yet, zoning out for an extended period of time like 30 minutes can be slightly concerning.
To be honest, I am nowhere near a professional as of right now. I think it's important to remember and understand that everyone experiences anxiety in a different way.
I'd like to add something on top of what I said. I think it's important for you to remember to take care of yourself because you deserve to :) Really! Have you considered taking walks out in nature during summertime and later as well? I think that it would be a good idea to take some time for yourself, even if it's for short periods of time.
Plus, I have heard that 30 min-ish of sunlight can improve someone's mood :) So why not try, right? I think it could maybe help slightly reduce the anxious feeling that seems to happen multiple times.
Now, take care and don't hesitate to write again on the Forum TJ. We're all happy to help!