Do someone speak English or there’s translation?
I hate myself I thought I could change in a second I’m overweight for my age I feel completely useless in hereI was a sunshine before then something died my aunt and I lost control I cried but Idk what broke me this much and let’s try to figure it out rn uhm I was sad she died first memory I remember really bc my brain erased my childhood memories but like Ik they happened but in a dream form weird rightWell the first thing I was in front of a mirror and I said ew I didn’t look nor feel beautiful or pretty and I’m still ew honestly I’m not good looking I always had anxiety like not stress but real mental anxiety I have adhd inattentive even tho I act crazy when I don’t take it lolI never knew what was taking care of myself I have problems with brushing my hair everyday and teeth or even shower seems weird but it was never implied in our routine as kid or was it I can’t recall but I also have problems with Money since my parents would say no we don’t have enough and now I’m scared if the cards ever declined on me or my parents so I buy the less I can like when you buy clothes for next school year I would buy like two and were my parents clothes and I overate since I thought I wouldn’t have some the next day and we would always eat pasta mostly so poof Yk got fat I was the girl never chosen in groups for anything Yk that lonely fat girl well that’s me even tho I was nice since well I loved people now I don’t that much but anyway I got used for things when I was a kid like oh give me that and we’re friends so I would pray to my mom so she would buy them for me and then I would just get a 6 min chat with them and I was like 5-7 at that time I’m the one who always clean with mom but mostly me because she has problems with her back and diabetes so I’m scared if she does too much she dies so I clean for her I lacked of attention and love as a kid so I fall in love so fast because I get a little of affection, yeah my mom loved me and my dad too but dad always work in the day when I was younger and now its every night and I’m scared he dies soon anyway my sister / twin would be not nice to mom so it was hard for her since she had adhd hyperactive so needed more attention than me and my little sister too since she was young two years younger so yeah I loved to read the whole dictionary and anything but now I do none of those I don’t feel like myself at allMy parents are great but they’re relationship is arguing over the mess in the house and I have no idea what is a good working relationship nor how to make it workNow as a teen almost 15 I hate itI never got learned how to study I feel like shit my friend was shit I would open up ( I know you shouldn’t do that always?)but I trusted her the only thing she says is same so stop it’s not that bad she was bullied to and ect now that I stopped she just tells things about me sometimes she goes up to me and say or your lesbian right but it’s aside of the classroom when everyone is lined up and waiting for the teacher to open the door and I’m like uhh and also she talked it so loud I wasn’t comfortable talking about it since I’m confused and she kept going on but when I text her about it by accident in her friends group chat I’m the slut going on with nonsense talk I’m talking shit and it’s not that bad or her bf whenever I see him I my class he call me cringe for no reason whatsoever also they’re couple look so forced once in a while they follow me like wtf and since I don’t want to talk to them I wait till I’m late oh also I got informed she talks In my freaking back but want I ask her it’s wtf no so I’m relief but she follows how I only think of myself and I feel like she right since I do think of myself since I never had friends to think of the only thought I have is what people think of me and I hate myself so being that. I got on discord young and I regret since I would just convince people to stay and not dying every day and I once made a friendship with someone with terminal cancer and I hate it since well I wanted them to stay just like my aunt but he died I don’t even know if it could have been just a prank idk lol shaking rn I hate myself bc I would talk to ppl until they like me and I would feel special so we get together even tho I never knew if it was love so I used ppl for love ( once tho) but still I regret so badI got a grandma that would judge our weight every time we got there and she stayed with us for two monthsWas hell my grandpa died the only one I had hit hard but it’s ok he told me if we ever sleep with them (at their house) he would make me the best pancakes so ya now I like someone and I’m scared I don’t actually like them I don’t even know what loves feel like it feels surreal in the movies I don’t know what I am if I ever imagine to be with a boy it would be but it goes the same way for girls but I don’t get butterflies thinking of a girl but when it’s boy to boy scenario it’s so ez I’m so messed up with all that and my life since I want to do figure skating but do I truly? It felt so gracious and great seeing on the screen and recreating on land make me feel alive and better than ever but my skates hurt even if I would go every Thursday to the rink and In parks inside available even in winter I would go and still hurt I feel wasted I don’t even have classes for it and I’m scared because It’s because I want to make ppl proud of me to achieve this greatness of going to the Olympics I don’t know if I’m doing it for me so I try to rush every things even tho I do think it’s for me I’m doing it please someone help I feel like dying so bad alright it’s hard everything and every time I tried to get in shape I broke a bone no joke I’m tired what am i? Do i exaggerate? What about figure skating? Look I don’t know anymore sorry if it doesn’t make sense best I can say is translate it or reread it
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il/lui·16 ans
9hje suis fier de vous :Dpour tout le monde qui a traversé cette semaine d'examens finaux, pour tous ceux qui ont survécu jusque là, bravo !! on est à un jour des temps des fêtes, vous pouvez finalement vous reposer :)
allez, on a le jour zéro de demain, puis quoi? le 20 décembre et c'est fini !! cette semaine n'est pas encore finie, on se donne le max pour demain et après demain, puis on est en vacances et vous pourrez finalement dormir
bon temps des fêtes tout le monde :D
11hJe bousille ma vision des relations ???Coucou !
Je suis une mordue de lecture !! J'adore lire et écrire un passe-temps étonnant pour les jeunes de mon âges. Je lit donc des livres un peu plus "mature" et "Dark" parce que ils sont plus long et intéressants.
Ça ma jamais trop déranger mais j'ai vue la vidéo d'une fille qui fait des études en psychologie qui explique l'importance de suivre l'âge de lecture d'un livre. Elle dit que certaine romance comportant du "toxic" présenter à un jeune public peuvent altéré leurs visions de ce que c'est être en relation et le respect mutuelle.
J'ai bien aimer sa vidéo asser bienveillante et là je me suis full remis en question...
Je suis parfaitement capable de reconnaître le toxique dans mes lectures et je ne le tolère pas. Mais quand même j'ai soudainement peur que certain truc que je visualise comme "normal" ne le son pas du tout !!
Je bousille ma vision de l'amour ??
elle/elle·14 ans
11hJe ne sais pas quoi faireJ'ai une amie que je connais depuis environ 2 ans. Elle se mutile et elle as essayé de s'enlever la vie plusieurs fois avant et après s'être rencontré. La plus récente c'était au début de l'année (septembre ou octobre j'me souviens pas). Elle n'était pas venue à l'école pendant une semaine. Dans le passé, elle s'est fait frappée par sont père et a été agressée sexuellement à l'âge de huit ans. Je ne sais pas quoi faire. J'ai d'autres ami(e)s qui me font des confessions et ça commence à me peser sur le cœur et dans la tête à moi aussi. Je n'ai pas envie de leur dire, car je suis une des seules personnes sur qui ils peuvent compter. J'ai besoin d'aide.
1jJe comprends plus riensa je me questionne beaucoup part rapport à mon orientation sexuelle depuis 2 ans et je suis quasi sûr de préférer sortir avec des filles (je n’ai jamais essayé de sortir ni avec un garçon ni une fille) mais genre je sentais que j’aimais une de mes amies un peu plus que comme une amie et l’autre jour elle m’a appris qu’elle trippait sur un gars et je me suis juste mis à pleurer donc j’ai du lui expliquer pourquoi et elle a été full fine et je lui ai demandé d’en parler à personne à part sa demi sœur à qui elle dit tout donc pour l’instant il y a c’est deux là et une prof a l’école car le lendemain que j’ai révéler ma préférence à mon amie ont avait un cours sur l’orientation sexuelle et sur ce qu’est la sexualité en général donc j’ai fait une crise d’angoisse et j’ai quitté la classe avec la prof et il y a bien fallu que j’explique un peu ce qui allait pas bref j’ai encore beaucoup de misère à m’accepter et je crains le moment où j’aurais à faire mon coming out à mon entourage et j’ai peur que quelqu’un s’échappe et que je me fasse outé et que je me fasse niaiser pour le reste de l’année scolaire donc avez-vous des conseils pour que je sache un peu plus où je m’en vais
Ado TJ·elle/elle·18 ans
Merci @VentApaisant12 pour cette magnifique réponse! Les Ados TJ on est habitués de répondre en français alors je me voyais mal tout répondre en anglais sachant que c'est pas ma force première haha! Merci énormément <3