
Sexuality   ›   STBBIs  ›   Trichomoniasis

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted infection that can be treated with antibiotics. Here we explain the symptoms, how it’s transmitted, testing, treatment, and more.

Trichomoniasis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by a parasite. It is generally found in the vagina or in the urethra of the penis.



Trichomoniasis is primarily transmitted during unprotected vaginal sexual relations with an infected person. 


It is possible to contract it more than once during one’s lifetime.



In most cases, trichomoniasis does not provoke any symptoms. A number of people may thus unknowingly transmit it. According to the Public Health Agency of Canada, an infected person experiencing symptoms may observe the following signs: 


Symptoms in people with a vagina:


  • A change in the level of vaginal discharge
  • Vaginal itching
  • Pain during vaginal sexual relations
  • A burning sensation when urinating


Symptoms in people with a penis:


  • Discharge from the penis
  • A burning or itching feeling in the penis’s urinary meatus 


If in doubt, contact Info-Santé (811) or get tested.


Testing and Treatment 🔍

Testing is effected through taking a sample from vaginal secretions or from the tip of the penis. 


Trichomoniasis is treated by antibiotics prescribed by a healthcare professional. 


👉 Important: you must take antibiotics as prescribed until the very last pill, even if symptoms have disappeared. You must also avoid any unprotected sexual relations during treatment. 



Use a condom during vaginal sexual relations in order to avoid contracting or transmitting trichomoniasis. Also ask your sexual partners if they have recently been tested.  


If you have contracted trichomoniasis, you should inform your partners so that they can get tested and thus avoid transmitting it to others. Find out how to talk about it here.


Source: Public Health Agency of Canada

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