Don’t hesitate to consult a professional

Mental Health   ›   Stress and anxiety  ›   Don’t hesitate to consult a professional

It’s not just people who have serious mental health problems who consult a psychologist or counsellor. Taking care of your mental health and going to see a professional is like going to the doctor when you have a problem with your physical health. Don’t hesitate or wait for the situation to get worse.

You can consult can reach out to put your thoughts in order, to ask a question, to vent about a difficult situation (such as bullying, conflict with parents, heartbreak), or when you feel overwhelmed or distressed. 


Confidential file

Did you know that once you’re 14 years old, your medical file is confidential?

So your parents don’t have to be told if you decide to consult a health care professional, unless it’s a really serious issue affecting your health.

You can ask the person you are consulting if your conversation will be confidential.

You can tell them that you don't know where to start, that you are not comfortable, or even that you are hesitant to confide in them.

You can ask them what the different steps of a session are.

In fact, you can ask any questions you want: it's your time, for your well-being. Don't be afraid: you have the right!