I found drugs in my teenager's room: what should I do?

Substance Use   ›   I found drugs in my teenager's room: what should I do?

That moment every parent dreads... Finding drugs in your teenager's room. Shock, anger and fear can quickly overwhelm you. Before reacting, take the time to breathe and get informed.

To remember

👉 Familiarize yourself with substances and objects, as well as with the realities of use among young people, for a factual and credible discussion.

👉 Empathize and listen actively, rather than reproachfully.

👉 Explain the risks and limits clearly, but remind them that you're there to support them if they need help. Don't hesitate to turn to professionals if necessary.





Understand before you act

Your youngster is in possession of cannabis (pot, wax), a vaporizer, perhaps even accessories you don't know about... To fully understand the situation, it's important to know how to identify these substances and objects. Don't hesitate to consult online resources, such as the RCMP website, to familiarize yourself with their appearance.


Similarly, to avoid dramatizing or, on the contrary, downplaying the situation, inform yourself about the realities of drug use among young people. Understand the real risks, without going to extremes. This will enable you to talk to your teenager on an equal footing (or almost!) and avoid losing all credibility with him or her.


Keep a cool head and open up the dialogue

Faced with your discovery, it's normal to feel a range of emotions. Bear in mind that your teenager is also going through a tumultuous period in his or her life, and that consuming may seem like a solution to his or her emotional overload. It's also possible that your teenager just wanted to try it out, to follow in the footsteps of his or her friends... All reasons are possible. Accusing, judging or threatening will only make him/her shut down. It's best to adopt an empathetic approach and open, honest, factual dialogue.


Listening: the key to successful communication

Rather than lecturing, be a good listener. Let your youngster express himself freely about his motivations, experiences and perceptions of drug use. Try to understand why he or she turns to drugs: sensation-seeking, social pressure, unhappiness?


Deconstruct myths and set limits

Help your teen deconstruct the myths surrounding drugs, explain the potential dangers to his or her health and development, and remind him or her that drug use is illegal for minors. Be clear and firm about your limits, without closing the door: your teenager needs to understand that he or she can count on you in case of need.


Seek help if you need it

If the situation is too much for you, or if you fear for your teen's well-being, don't hesitate to seek help from health professionals. Addiction rehabilitation centers and other resources are available to support you and your teen.